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Author: Banksy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Truth Social Users Get Scammed Hard!
Date: 10/05/2024 12:15 PM
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You may find this hard to believe but...
It turns out that Truth Social is a target-rich environment for people who are easy to con. LOL

"Trump launched Truth Social as a media platform where the MAGA faithful could hang out without any liberals to spoil the fun.
It was the only place where Trump was personally posting his unhinged screeds after getting banned from Twitter over that whole insurrection thing.
But new documents reveal the site has also been flooded with scammers who are swindling users out of enormous sums of money.
The MAGA faithful have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in a relatively short period of time."

"One thing that sticks out about the complaints filed with the FTC is that they seem to involve plenty of elderly fans of Donald Trump.
One person in their 60s said they lost $500,000 to scammers on Truth Social and seemed to think there might be a way they could get their money back,
telling the FTC, "After I pay this they promise there will be no more fees and I will receive my assets."

Just another week in stupid town...but their eating the cats!

Hey MAGAS, if by any chance any of you have any money left...Don't miss your chance to get the new, just released, limited edition, Trump Never Surrender, 100% Grift Boots!
"EACH PAIR NUMBERED. An incredible value at only $199."



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