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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41621 
Subject: Re: Lies, bomb threats, hate
Date: 09/12/2024 5:41 PM
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A bomb threat prompted a major police response in Springfield, Ohio, on Thursday morning, according to the city commission office. The threat was sent via email "to multiple agencies and media outlets," the office said.


And to think this needless stress upon the city of Columbus, Ohio is being brought about DIRECTLY by its own sitting US Senator, J.D. Vance.

Ohioans... THINK about that.

Here's the real shock. For all citizens in all states. Citizens of a state have no authority to recall or impeach a US Senator. The only way to remove a US Senator from office is via impeachment in the US House then conviction in the Senate. Think about THAT the next time you vote for ANY US Senator of either party. If you make a mistake, it is extremely difficult to un-do absent voting at the end of a term.

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