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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41593 
Date: 09/12/2024 5:39 PM
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So how do you play the governing game when the administrative state is isolated, protected, and not accountable to the citizenry. Vote in a new president? Pointless, as far as the swamp goes, since a new president who, according to you, is powerless to drain even a drop of swamp.

The best attempt I've seen in my lifetime was by Al Gore during the Clinton administration. His "National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR)"

Its goal was to make the federal government "work better, cost less, and get results Americans care about".[1] The initiative aimed to streamline processes, cut bureaucracy, and implement innovative solutions. NPR was active until 1998. During its five years, it catalyzed significant changes in the way the federal government operates, including the elimination of over 100 programs, the elimination of over 250,000 federal jobs, and the consolidation of over 800 agencies. NPR introduced the use of performance measurements and customer satisfaction surveys, and encouraged the use of technology. NPR is recognized as a success and had a lasting impact.[2]


I was employed by the federal government at the time and was encouraged by some of the changes I saw. The program got rid of some layers of inefficient and redundant middle management. I was skeptical that such changes would last and was disappointed to see that many of he positions that had been eliminated came creeping back in over time. Bureaucracy tends to grow top heavy.

The agency I worked for had mostly dedicated and hard working people at the lower levels, but upper management was bloated and inefficient, and often incompetent. That agency, once known for high morale and job satisfaction has fallen far down in the rankings.

I would never trust Trump to do anything but make government worse. Look at Putin's Russia if you want to see a blueprint for Trump's 'reinventing government'.
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