Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
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Not that I give a crap. Let the wheels of justice turn.
But, apparently, the Hunter legal team did what is called an Alford plea. Not quite sure I get it (i.e. acknowledging there is enough evidence for conviction while maintaining innocence?). Evidently, it is a strategy to encourage plea negotiations. Not sure why the prosecution would negotiate if the defense is acknowledging there is enough evidence to convict.
source: NYT
No. of Recommendations: 2
Not sure why the prosecution would negotiate if the defense is acknowledging there is enough evidence to convict. - 1pg
Because the DOJ is on Team Biden, that's why. Remember this is the same prosecution team that let the statute of limitations expire on some of Hunter's most egregious crimes, and then tried to slip a sweetheart plea agreement by the court.
No. of Recommendations: 12
Not sure why the prosecution would negotiate if the defense is acknowledging there is enough evidence to convict.- 1pg
Because the DOJ is on Team Biden, that's why. Remember this is the same prosecution team that let the statute of limitations expire on some of Hunter's most egregious crimes, and then tried to slip a sweetheart plea agreement by the court.Umm, what now?
Hunter Biden wouldn't even have been charged if his name was not Biden. People who settle their tax debts are almost never brought to trial. You know, like Roger Stone who owed nearly $2 million in income tax in 2021 and settled the following year.
The average American has almost as good a chance of winning the lottery as being criminally prosecuted for tax fraud.
And Hunter Biden did not submit an "Alford plea," which would have allowed him to plead guilty on all counts but preclude him from acknowledging guilt on the underlying conduct, but
entered a traditional guilty plea.
So how is this an example of the DOJ on Team Biden, exactly?
Biden faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison and a fine of as much as $1.35 million for crimes that generally would have never been brought.
Not much of a team.
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And Hunter Biden did not submit an "Alford plea,"
To be fully honest, he did TRY to submit an Alford plea. Since they were supposed to be picking a jury today, that threw the proceedings into a bit of confusion. The parties conferred for a couple hours and ended up with a standard guilty plea.
No. of Recommendations: 7
"Because the DOJ is on Team Biden, that's why. Remember this is the same prosecution team that let the statute of limitations expire on some of Hunter's most egregious crimes, and then tried to slip a sweetheart plea agreement by the court."
Good god you need to get better sources of information. Sheesh.
BTW, I am glad you now support the sudden interest of the DoJ going really hard after all gun owners who do drugs. The Republican party and the NRA would never have supported something like that. You support the same laws against everyone right? Anyone why lies on a federal form about not doing drugs while buying a gun? Are do you only support it against people named Biden?
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"Hunter Biden wouldn't even have been charged if his name was not Biden."
good morning common, thanks for the laughs, bud, have a great day. " my son has done nothing wrong" and " my son is the smartest guy I know", became, my son ,forgot, to file for four years and , forgot, to declare millions, maybe tens of millions, of income. No plea should be agreed to, we need fact finding, discovery, and Hunter should be given an opportunity to clear his name. Carry on.
No. of Recommendations: 12
hclasvegas: No plea should be agreed to, we need fact finding, discovery...
What in the hell are you babbling about? Fact finding and discovery have been going on for months. They were about to seat a jury.
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" Fact finding and discovery have been going on for months."
Use your contacts in the Dem party and disclose them bro. Transparency and disclosure are always the best disinfectant's. Hunter should be given an opportunity to clear the family name, simple. If any of the trump kids haven't filed and they have failed to report millions of income ,I want them to get twice the time Hunter gets if he's found guilty, fair is fair.
No. of Recommendations: 1
What in the hell are you babbling about?
They babble about whatever FOX et al tell them to babble about. Thinking is not required.
No. of Recommendations: 13
Fact finding and discovery have been going on for months."
Use your contacts in the Dem party and disclose them bro.
Is it your theory that they brought charges, set a date for the trial, arranged counsel and prosecutor, and only NOW are going to do “fact finding and discovery”? I think you don’t understand how it works. Or anything, really.
Hunter should be given an opportunity to clear the family name, simple.
This is America. You don’t convict a “family name”. That was back in the old, dark days when we made the son pay for the errant father, or vice versa. We moved on from that, roughly 225 years ago. Try to keep up.
If any of the trump kids haven't filed and they have failed to report millions of income ,I want them to get twice the time Hunter gets if he's found guilty, fair is fair.
At last we agree on something. Although I’m sure if an investigation starts on the Trump spawn you will be the first to cry foul and say something like “It’s Biden’s DoJ”, right?
No. of Recommendations: 7
Wow, the MAGAs are still obsessing over Hunter? Is he running for President? Senate? Dogcatcher? No?
I suppose they need something to distract them from what a disaster Trump is?...
Trump faces 91 criminal charges across these four cases (34 + 40 + 4 + 13 = 91), though the exact number may vary slightly due to superseding indictments and dismissed charges.
He's lied to the American people 30,573 times, 79% of his tweets were rated False by politifact check.
Trump took numerous flights on Epstein's plane AKA Child Molester Airlines.
Trump took immigrant children away from their parents, many of them have never been reunited.
Child poverty is up sharply, because Republicans in Congress (plus Manchin and Sinema) refused to renew the expanded Child Tax Credit in President Biden's American Rescue Plan.
Trump killed a bipartisan bill that would have addressed the border problem.
Every time poor, elderly Don opens his mouth a word salad comes out. (Just like Harvey from Vegas!)
Trump is a proven rapist.
Is it any wonder they want to discuss anything but Trump?
No. of Recommendations: 8
Use your contacts in the Dem party and disclose them bro.
This case (Hunter has been involved in two criminal cases recently) is pretty simple. He failed to report all of his income, claimed personal expenses as business deductions, and he failed to file a number of business and personal tax returns in a timely manner. He has subsequently filed and paid his taxes.
This was happening while he was addicted to drugs, so there are plenty of sordid details (hookers, extravagant lifestyle, porn web sites), none of which are actually relevant to the crime.
That’s it. Something that thousands (maybe 10s of thousands) of people do each year. Almost none of them get prosecuted. Usually, once the returns are filed and taxes paid, that’s the end of it. The most common reason for prosecuting tax cases is as an add-on to — or substitute for — other criminal activity.
No. of Recommendations: 2
This was happening while he was addicted to drugs, so there are plenty of sordid details (hookers, extravagant lifestyle, porn web sites), none of which are actually relevant to the crime. - Pete
To the extent some of these expenses were claimed as a business expense deduction, then the supporting evidence becomes integral.
No. of Recommendations: 11
then the supporting evidence becomes integral.
Is it necessary to go through each individual porn site and hooker transaction, when the defendant has basically stipulated the expenses were personal by correcting the returns?
Or do you just want to hear them read aloud in court? Maybe for the public shaming? Should we force Hunter to wear a scarlet “A” on his shirts so everyone will know that he spent time with hookers?
Or do you just want to hear the names of the web sites because you’re looking for some new porn sites and hookers? For research purposes, of course.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Hunter pled guilty to every single tax charge, and what he did had zip to do with his drug habit. He was clocking bucks and getting paid and avoiding reams of taxes.
It's worth noting that Weiss tried to deal away all of his crimes but fortunately a judge tossed his ridiculous plea deal earlier.
If Hunter's last name was "Trump" he'd already be in jail on a felony firearms conviction and would have been charged with being an unregistered foreign agent, among other things.
Further recall IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley:
https://redstate.com/smoosieq/2024/09/06/vindicati...Shapley's disclosures, of course, were not welcomed by the Biden administration and received some heavy pushback, including from Attorney General Merrick Garland, as well as Hunter Biden's legal team and congressional Democrats, who virtually did everything but spit pea soup at Shapley and Special Agent Joseph Ziegler when they testified before the House Oversight Committee in July of 2023. All of that came after Shapley and his entire team were removed from the investigation in retaliation for his protected whistleblower disclosures.
And let's not forget, Hunter Biden turned around and sued the IRS in September of 2023, attacking Shapley and Ziegler and accusing them of engaging in a campaign to "publicly smear him." That suit remains pending, by the way. Shapley now gets the last laugh.
No. of Recommendations: 2
To be fully honest, he did TRY to submit an Alford plea.I got a 'breaking news' alert from NYT. He did submit (according to NYT) an Alford plea, and the judge immediately recessed the hearing stating that the court should not be involved in plea negotiations. I did not receive a follow-up notice, so had to look for the story.
https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-guilty-ple...About a half-hour before the questioning of potential jurors was set to begin Thursday, Hunter Biden’s attorneys announced to a judge that they would like to enter into what’s known as an Alford plea. The maneuver, named after a U.S. Supreme Court case, allows a defendant to acknowledge that prosecutors have enough evidence to convince a jury of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt but also allows them to maintain their claim of innocence.
Prosecutors do not have to agree to an Alford plea, but Scarsi was prepared to give the government until the end of the day to file its objections before ruling on whether he would accept the plea, likely after reconvening Friday.
Instead, Hunter Biden changed his plea to guilty on all nine of the tax charges. There was no offer on the table from prosecutors to reduce those charges or to recommend a lesser sentence, and prosecutors read the charging documents aloud for more than an hour before he was asked to enter the plea.
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Instead, Hunter Biden changed his plea to guilty on all nine of the tax charges. There was no offer on the table from prosecutors to reduce those charges or to recommend a lesser sentence, and prosecutors read the charging documents aloud for more than an hour before he was asked to enter the plea.
So, assumuming the this full guilty plea is accepted by the DOJ - and why would it not? - and assuming Hunter gets sentenced to an "unreasonable" amount of jail time (I think that could me north of 10 years in prison?), will Joe Biden honor his prior word not to pardon his son now that he had dropped out of the race?
No. of Recommendations: 4
If any of the trump kids haven't filed and they have failed to report millions of income ,I want them to get twice the time Hunter gets if he's found guilty, fair is fair.
Doesn't sound fair to me. They should get the time they deserve based on the level of the crime and past applications. If you want to give them more, it should be subject to scrutiny.