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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Trump Strays Further into Musk Orbit
Date: 09/05/2024 3:17 PM
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The Washington Post is reporting that Trump has announced a plan to form a commission led by Elon Musk that will create an action plan for completely eliminating all fraud and waste from the Federal government in six months. Cuz that's all it takes. A mere six months. To identiy a solution for eliminating EVERY dollar of waste in roughly six trillion dollars of spending.

If this was so easy, why wasn't this done in 2017? Both Trump and Musk were availalbe then.

At this point, the gravitational pull between the two men's galactic egos must make it impossible for their orbits not to become ever more tightly entwined.

Of course, the negative synergies between Trump World and Musk World partnering up defy a complete description. The US at least one multi-year contract with Space X for $1.8 billion dollars in spending for crucial military and intelligence missions that few are allowed to know about. The DOJ just announced criminal charges against a collection of actors working to use American social media platforms to interfere with the 2024 election, a move that may result in future legal issues for X which Musk would have an interest in squelching. Tesla continues to spend inordinate amounts of money attempting to perfect "full self driving" capabilities, supposedly in support of a launch of a new robo-taxi vehicle that might benefit from a relaxation or elimination of safety regulations in the transportation sector.

Will this new proposed alliance swing any voters? We'll know in two months.

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