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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: For the debate
Date: 09/09/2024 1:46 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 6
What's she going to say about the economy? That's a weak point for her.

Weak point or no, it's the most important issue for most voters. So she'll have to emphasize how her (and her party's) economic policies will benefit the country - and also outline some differences between her policies and Biden's.

If I were making a list for her, I would suggest the following:

1) YIMBY (yes in my backyard) on development, especially housing. Return America to an America that builds. More money for affordable housing, streamline permitting for projects, release surplus federal land for housing, etc.

2) Health care as an economic issue and an inflation issue - emphasize how Obamacare reduced health care costs for people in the plans, negotiating drug prices (and propose to expand on that), and that she'll defend Medicare.

3) Energy - she has to tread lightly here, but environmental groups are giving her lots of space. So emphasize the fact that under the Biden Administration the US is producing record amounts of energy - all-time highs in oil and gas production.

4) Taxes - She's made a break with the Biden proposal, and come in for a smaller increase in capital gains tax (28% up from 20%, rather than 39%). "Tax the rich" is popular, and I think she can talk about that in a way that paints it as finding a responsible way to fund the government to provide for working class needs while making sure that all income is taxed fairly, whether it's from a salary or investments.

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