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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12539 
Subject: campaign signs
Date: 09/09/2024 1:54 PM
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I do hate how the road sides are populated by signs every election cycle. I believe locally they limited sign size because larger signs would actually block your view of cross traffic. I've been seeing signs for various local offices, plus a few "conservatives for Harris". Today I saw my first convict sign. And it seemed cheap, almost homemade. Which got me wondering...is the convict's campaign ignoring AZ? Or are they strapped for funds, and worrying more about PA and WI?

I also saw my first 2024 convict hat on Saturday. In prior elections, there were a LOT of hats. And flags from flagpoles. So far this time, one hat and no flags. I'm wondering if the flag pole that previously was flying the convict banner has changed ownership (i.e. the convict supporter moved), or they realized how despicable and corrupt the convict is. The American flag is still flying, but no flag for the convict. It's not my neighbor...the pole is about 1 mile from my house, and I just drive by it frequently.
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