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Author: EchotaSheeple   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Eric and Don Jr
Date: 08/16/2024 12:57 PM
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Headline says that the kids and Vance are amongst the principles for the transition team.

Oh God President Trump you are making this hard. You are the *sole* hope to not have Kamala Harris as President.

And now you got Vance along with Wally and The Beaver on transition.

Hint: Don Jr swayed you to Vance. Vance did squat for your ticket and is giving Harris a bit of help and SO they are both on the transition team.

Why? Why? Please sir. Why?

I think each night for 30 minutes, I'll go to bed pretending David Palmer from 24 or Jed Bartlett from West Wing is President. I seriously think I need that respite now, and especially if we keep giving the election to Harris.

Vice President Harris - WTF? Biden gives you the nomination and some days, Trump is giving you the Presidency. Were you Christ, Gandhi, or MLK in the previous life?
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