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Author: commonone 🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 42586 
Subject: Trump's Rogan Interview Trainwreck
Date: 10/26/2024 8:02 AM
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Well, no doubt the usual suspects here will say that the Joe Rogan interview was brilliant and will push his Orangeness over the finish line, but from what I'm seeing so far, the interview was a trainwreck and confirms Trump is the stupidest man ever elected president.

We'll see if the media has the balls to report on his insanity.

Here's just one example: Trump, in making the point that the world should be more frightened of nuclear weapons that climate change -- "I watch these poor fools talkin' about 'our oceans will rise a quarter of an inch over the next five hundred years'" -- and tells Rogan that five countries have nuclear weapons.

Nine countries possess nuclear weapons: the United States, Russia, France, China, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea.

HTF can you be president for four years and not know how many countries have nuclear weapons?

Here's another: Trump Thee Fascist complained about wind farms, of course, telling Rogan he wanted to be a whale psychiatrist: "You know, the wind is rushing, the things are blowing. It's a vibration. And it makes noise. You know what it is? I want to be a whale psychiatrist. It drives the whales frickin' crazy."

Umm, someone is frickin' crazy: Trump Thee Fascist.

Well, and anyone who votes for that looney tune.

Hey, here's one more: Trump talked about being in the Lincoln bedroom, making a point that Lincoln suffered from depression -- "Melancholia. They didn't call it depression, they called it melancholia." -- and one of the reasons was the death of their son, Tad. "And on top of that, they lost their son whose name was Tad. Tad."

Thomas "Tad" Lincoln died 6 years after Lincoln's death.

There's so much more, including Trump Thee Fascist telling Rogan it would be "dangerous" to elect someone who is a businessman who has no political experience.

Of course he was oblivious to the fact he was talking about himself.

And yes, we found out just how dangerous, especially the million Americans who dies as a result of his incompetence in handling the pandemic.

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