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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: No WaPo endorsement for Harris
Date: 10/26/2024 8:22 AM
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"The Post didn't endorse!"

If you had the ability to actually understand complex issues instead of pretending to be a performance art poster, you’d realize that the issue isn’t the endorsement or lack thereof. The issue is WHY they didn’t issue the endorsement the editorial staff was ready to make.

I’d explain further, but that’s already been done and you’ve made your choice to ignore the explanation.

HEE HEE then the snobs wonder why they are reduced to begging for Roe v Wade and have a 7-2 court :)

Yours truly long ago (when I cared) used to warn that a culture and a system that robs people of critical thinking skills and also a culture that makes a country tribal - will have ramifications. And this is one of them. I fully understand the beef of "why" there's no endorsement - but then again I don't read posts from you complaining how Liberal rich people are controlling more and more media so cry crocodile tears elsewhere Pedro.


Also learn to walk and chew gum. Certainly you can be concerned as to "why" there's no endorsement. But I am equally allowed to point out that most people don't give a crap about the Washington Post's endorsement. So let the Muftis and Mullahs "cancel subscriptions" and literally track the cancellation figures.

Endorsement or not.

Harris or Trump.

your trajectory is still .....so well deserved and a delight to watch unfold :)

In your 50.1% tribal society - people will have no choice but to be careful - the way Bezos did.

Isn't it great?

Yes it's delicious.

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