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Author: MisterFungi   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Wildfire relief request
Date: 01/16/2025 8:15 PM
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Dear Shrewd'mates,

I graduated from high school and college in S. Calif. Friends, relatives, colleagues, and former students of mine have been directly impacted by the LA-area wildfires, including at least two who have lost their homes and everything in them.

I need to do something in response, so I've decided to do a fundraiser to support World Central Kitchen's effort to provide immediate food assistance there. I ask that you kindly consider making a donation to the fundraiser using the gofundme link below. As you'll see when you click the link, all contributions go directly to WCK, not to me. You can contribute anonymously if you wish.

You may well have heard about WCK. Chef Jose' Andres established the organization in 2010 following the earthquake in Haiti. They expanded operations greatly following the hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico in 2017. (Trump tossed paper towels to desperate people there. WCK worked with local farmers, cooks, and volunteers to provide more than 2 million meals.) WCK is on the ground in Ukraine. They operated in Gaza until that became untenable. They hit the beach at Lahaina in 2023, and are working now in Fla, Ga, Tenn, and NC following the devastation there last fall. It is my honor to support them, and I hope you'll do so, too.

To encourage your support, in addition to donating directly myself I'm training now to complete a 75-mile quadrathlon (swim, paddle, bike, run) next month in Honolulu, where I am now. (I picked that distance because I'm 75 years old.) I've completed fundraisers like this before, but it will be a challenge. Your contribution, of whatever size, will encourage me greatly in this endeavor.

Thank you!

Here's the link: https://gofund.me/6eb2c901

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