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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: The potential October surprise:
Date: 10/02/2024 5:44 PM
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LurkerMom: But these collectivists make anywhere between $85,000 and $200,000 a year, depending on how much overtime they work...

Funny, but none of the news articles ever indicate the number of hours of overtime necessary -- or the number of years on the job -- necessary to hit those big numbers. A quick look at Indeed shows dock workers starting salaries at $17.14 in Nashville to $22.87 in Portland with a national average hourly salary of $26.47: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Csx/salaries/Longshorem...

That's an annual salary of $55,058.

Dope1: That means...she owns the economic damage the strike will cause and the longer it goes on.

Um, why? She's pro-labor and that's not exactly a surprise.

Had she come out against labor, you guys would be calling her an opportunist and hypocrite.

President Biden should just Taft-Hartley this thing and implement an 80-day cooling-off period (especially after Daggett spit in Biden's face).
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