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Author: MisterFungi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: The potential October surprise:
Date: 10/02/2024 5:46 PM
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Al, you don’t understand the argument because it’s incoherent. It’s also intentionally distracting, as are all policy-related arguments in this election. Trump demonstrated that he will use any means to rule America as a mob boss. That’s the only fact that matters.

Evidence reported today (NYT):
“After Mr. Trump’s Twitter post focused the enraged mob’s attention on harming Mr. Pence and the Secret Service took the vice president to a secure location, an aide rushed into the dining room off the Oval Office where Mr. Trump was watching television. The aide alerted him to the developing situation, in the hope that Mr. Trump would then take action to ensure Mr. Pence’s safety.

Instead, Mr. Trump looked at the aide and said only, “So what?” according to grand jury testimony newly disclosed in the brief.”
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