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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: luxmain   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: Changing tides.
Date: 02/08/2023 6:59 AM
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And of course, the following day after these 120% rallies etc...

$BBBY -49% (on top of a 15-20% fade at the end of the big rally)

$GME -11%

$AMC -9%

The volatility is insane. Consequently, I've heard some people made good money over the last year or two by selling options on the meme stocks while holding the underlying. I wouldn't recommend that.

I wonder about the extent to which these meme rallies and collapses can be used as a proxy for retail sentiment.

Because I am shocked by the number of people I know (indirectly) who hold some of these stocks.

Also I'm shocked by the extent to which people continue to be drawn into crypto etc. Just yesterday, a person I previously considered sane and reasonable, tried to persuade me to put $250 into a Bitcoin-named spinoff coin 'advice offered in the hope it helps me buy a house some day'.

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