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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: TIPping
Date: 03/07/2025 5:03 PM
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Liberals can't stand tipping. They hide behind "just pay a better wage!!!!!" '

NewsFlash was the shit more expensive in Europe? Duh. Come back here to USA:

Let's say you have lunch for 2. $50.00. You gotta tip on top of that.

Now let's pretend ZERO tipping, higher wages for your waitress:

1.)Do you think the owner of the cafe, or the corporation who owns the restaurant will REDUCE their profit margin by THAT much? Do you feel they have that much margin to begin with? Are restaurants easy? Or risky?

2.)If they decide "ok, I'll eat the cost. I wanna own this business and give away most of my profit. I'll do this for break-even"------do you think they'll find ways to get RID of staff? Look at Fast Food even though there's no tipping. Did all that "$15 an hour!" stuff help? Or did it motivate the use of kiosks and soon AU?

Again- if our servers are paid higher wages, YOUR price ----goes *up*. So what's the difference?

Difference is - Liberals hate paying Ian individual. Can't stand it.

BTW: How's the service at WalMart? Verizon? Cable? Real good huh? What's wrong with as a consumer, preserving one of the LAST powers we have to reward, or penalize service?

Instead of a $60 meal.....I like paying $50----and then having the ability to decide what to tip.

Fast forward: More and more people will lose an entry into the workforce. I wonder what angry, broke, unemployed folks will do in their spare time?
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