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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41627 
Subject: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 5:01 PM
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“Democrats Hit Rock Bottom as Internal Numbers Reveal Total Collapse”
“There’s no way to sugarcoat this for our friends on the left: the Democratic Party is imploding.

After their humiliating defeat in the government funding battle, a devastating new CNN poll shows the party's favorability has cratered to an abysmal 29%—the lowest since 1992. The numbers don’t lie; this is a spectacular fall from grace.”

The party has hemorrhaged support, suffering a jaw-dropping 20-point collapse in favorability since January 2021, when Joe Biden was inaugurated. Even their own base is abandoning ship, with Democratic Party favorability among supporters plummeting from 81% to a pathetic 63%.

Democrats can't even keep their own house in order.

The leadership vacuum is so profound that when asked who leads the Democratic Party, one respondent summed it up perfectly: "No one. That's the problem."


Yep, It’s exactly what I’ve been telling you all....
The democratic party is wandering around in the wasteland with no leader to guide them,
no message, no purpose to exist.
Sigh, such a pity...Not.

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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 5:45 PM
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Oh, they’re not at rock bottom. Believe me, they can sink a lot power if they pu their minds to it :)
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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41627 
Subject: Re: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 5:50 PM
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LurkerMom: Democrats can't even keep their own house in order.


Nearly two months into his second term, 42% of voters approve of the job he’s doing, while 53% disapprove and 6% did not respond, according to Quinnipiac University’s national poll of registered voters released this week. This marks a drop of 3 percentage points from the university’s February poll and a drop of 4 percentage points since its January poll.

Here’s how voters rated his handling of key issues, according to the poll (he's seriously underwater on every issue except trade with Chyna, including 13 points under on the economy):

Trade with China: 46% approve, 44% disapprove

Immigration: 46% approve, 49% disapprove

Foreign policy: 42% approve, 53% disapprove,

The military: 41% approve, 48% disapprove

The economy: 41% approve, 54% disapprove

The federal workforce: 40% approve, 55% disapprove

The Russia-Ukraine war: 38% approve, 55% disapprove

The Israel-Hamas conflict: 37% approve, 49% disapprove

Trade with Mexico: 37% approve, 56% disapprove

Trade with Canada: 36% approve, 58% disapprove

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Author: PucksFool 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41627 
Subject: Re: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 6:00 PM
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No fair. Stop bullying MAGATs with verifiable sources.
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41627 
Subject: Re: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 6:01 PM
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Umm commomone, please stay on subject and follow the bouncing ball and not try to change
the subject of the democrat party imploding and are leaderless and have no purpose to exist.
Thank you.
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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41627 
Subject: Re: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 7:33 PM
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Nearly two months into his second term, 42% of voters approve of the job he’s doing, while 53% disapprove

More of those pesky facts for LM to ignore.

But don’t worry, she’ll remind us that Trump won - the only fact allowed into her alternate reality.

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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41627 
Subject: Re: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 9:23 PM
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But don’t worry, she’ll remind us that Trump won - the only fact allowed into her alternate reality.


That’s right.

The reality is Trump won and threw the democratic party into chaos singing we shall overcome
songs on street corners, waving in the air ping pong paddles with mundane messages and wondering what happened to us....we were so powerful and almost had Trump locked up in jail forever. 😩

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