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Author: Banksy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: "Dead" Person On Social Security?
Date: 03/16/2025 1:36 PM
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The Trump/Musk clown show continues:
DOGE designated an 82 year-old Seattle man as "dead" even though he's very alive...
They cancelled his Social Security, canceled his Medicare, and clawed back payments retroactively. $5,201 was taken from Ned Johnson's bank account.
Efficiency, Big Balls Style!
"You wake up one day and discover you’re dead." Ned Johnson said. "It’s been truly surreal."
"His Medicare insurance had been canceled. He also learned that when you die, your credit score gets marked as "deceased, do not issue credit" which makes it tough to get a loan."
"What’s concerning is that no one has been able to tell him how he ended up in the agency’s death master file. Had he been conflated with some other poor Leonard Johnson?
Was he flagged as dead by a credit agency or the electronic funds transfer system, which then ricocheted back to Social Security? Was it simple input error? Nobody knows. Or nobody’s saying."

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