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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41606 
Subject: Democratic Party Hits Rock Bottom
Date: 03/16/2025 5:01 PM
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“Democrats Hit Rock Bottom as Internal Numbers Reveal Total Collapse”
“There’s no way to sugarcoat this for our friends on the left: the Democratic Party is imploding.

After their humiliating defeat in the government funding battle, a devastating new CNN poll shows the party's favorability has cratered to an abysmal 29%—the lowest since 1992. The numbers don’t lie; this is a spectacular fall from grace.”

The party has hemorrhaged support, suffering a jaw-dropping 20-point collapse in favorability since January 2021, when Joe Biden was inaugurated. Even their own base is abandoning ship, with Democratic Party favorability among supporters plummeting from 81% to a pathetic 63%.

Democrats can't even keep their own house in order.

The leadership vacuum is so profound that when asked who leads the Democratic Party, one respondent summed it up perfectly: "No one. That's the problem."


Yep, It’s exactly what I’ve been telling you all....
The democratic party is wandering around in the wasteland with no leader to guide them,
no message, no purpose to exist.
Sigh, such a pity...Not.

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