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Author: Banksy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Making Planes Crash Again...
Date: 02/18/2025 5:15 PM
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Look at Trump setting records - just like he did with Covid...

"For 16 years, U.S. aviation had a perfect record—ZERO major commercial plane crashes.
Then Trump/Musk took over and in just 29 days the USA has had seven crashes, 15 aviation disasters, and 85 dead."

Here’s the breakdown:
1/29: First major crash in 16 years (67 dead in DC).
1/31: Learjet crashes in Philadelphia.
2/5: Japan Airlines collides with a Delta plane in Seattle.
2/6: Bering Air plane crashes in Nome, Alaska.
2/10: Learjet slams into a parked jet in Scottsdale, AZ.
2/12: Military fighter jet crashes into San Diego Bay.
2/16: Plane crashes in Covington, GA.
2/17: Delta flight flips over in Toronto.

"That’s seven plane crashes in 29 days. Plus 15 serious aviation incidents. This isn’t bad luck.
It’s what happens when you fire the people who keep planes in the sky. And even though planes keep crashing, he just keeps firing more air traffic controllers.
It’s almost like he wants them to crash."

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