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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Brookfield Corporation (BN)
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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 471 
Subject: Re: Bruce move?
Date: 11/07/2024 2:14 PM
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I own both. I recently sold some BN to pay off margin loans and purchase more TSLA.

The price of both BAM/BN is up a lot in the last year. Doesn't mean they are overpriced but the price did move up more than value.

I like BAM because it looks like the better business longer term. With the restructuring, I expect BN to spin out their 75% interest in BAM. Please someone correct me if this is not accurate. I never listened to the call and acted on one small thing I read.

The rest of my portfolio is higher risk. I need to not lose this money. BAM has no debt which makes it far less risky to me.

Basis on these is very low and these are in taxable accounts. I'd sell more if the tax bill wasn't so painful.
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