No. of Recommendations: 18
I have a humble suggestion to anyone else that wants to wrap their political fears and anxieties into an investment question: choose your language assuming that half of board members just voted for the guy. He just won a fair democratic election including the popular vote so it’s not a good assumption that everyone will automatically connect with your value system.
Frankly, I could care less about whether someone "connects with my value system."
Does a fair democratic election include over 80 bomb threats to polling locations designed to scare away the "wrong voters" from voting?
Does it include closing voting locations for those same people such that those same people have to stand in line for 6 hours to vote?
I could go on all day, but you get the idea.
These aren't "fears and anxieties." These are facts. And it isn't a difference between political beliefs, it's a difference between right and wrong.
Side note: Just a portion of our retirement savings is up over $40,000 today, but I have to tell feels like dirty money, and the half of this board that might have voted for him is dead to me.