No. of Recommendations: 3
"It'll be hard to contain the schadenfreud if an when those businesses that support the ag industry lose all their orders for fertilizer, irrigation supplies, etc. The crash all the way down will be spectacular."
I'm in Michigan I honestly have no memory of ever seeing a white person working in the fields and orchards here ( I'm sure there are white pickers, but I have not seen them. I worked on a farm growing up, but the crop was harvested mechanically, we were in the warehouse, putting said-crop into 100 pound bags, from sunup to sundown ). And there is a lot of farming going on, so it's not a small sample size.
The MAGA that i know are already backpedaling, stating that Trump will need time and patience and support. I give them my incredulous look/face, and ask them: Like the patience and support you gave Biden ????
Working class MAGA owns what's coming. The people have spoken, good chance that they're going
to get what they asked for, good and hard,lol.
Working class white, brown, and black MAGA all gonna get screwed in a unique way. Hope they bought lots of lube.
All of us old white retirees that went MAGA are going to FAFO, too.