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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: No WaPo endorsement for Harris
Date: 10/26/2024 12:54 AM
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it doesn't really bother me.

It should bother you. Letting authoritarians have their way only invites more authoritarians into power.

As I said, I'm disappointed, but I'm working through that I think we aren't going to win. And with that I realize that Trump likely skates on everything. So there is no reckoning. We get to see what Trump will be like in another term. The vindictive retribution, likely retreat from NATO, Ukraine forced to compromise, no realization by MAGA of anything. Trump gets pardoned and Nearly all Jan 6ers do too. We get some version of booting immigrants, etc. We're going to live through all that. In light of that, it's minor. On top of that the stones in my ears have come loose and Epley exercises have helped some, but I get dizzy and have to sit. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we're not going to win.
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