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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 7:27 AM
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After the ABC News moderators of the Trump/Harris debate interrupted and fact-checked Trump five times, while not fact-checking Harris once, Mark Penn, a former high-level advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton is demanding a full investigation into ABC’s debate planning and execution.

Interviewed on Fox News on Thursday, Penn said, “They called Trump out on every falsehood but let Harris get away with one lie after another (and) when the refs put their fingers on the scale, you gotta throw out the score of the game.”

“What would have happened in that debate had they challenged Harris? If they said, ‘that’s not right what you said there about Charlottesville.' We don’t know how she would have reacted and then Trump wouldn’t have to spend all his time on the defence.”
we find out what they have ? Evidence? Proof? Stay tuned.

“I think they did a real disservice to the voters of America when they did that and they put in jeopardy the institutions of debate.”

ABC anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis moderated the debate which drew 67.1 million viewers, making it the most watched presidential debate since 2008, reports WND. “But it has drawn scorn from both Republicans and Democrats for giving the appearance of bias.”

“Following the debate, it’s been revealed that moderator Linsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris, and that ABC senior executive Dana Walden has been a close friend of Kamala Harris for 30 years,” reports WND.

On Friday, Penn dropped a bombshell on X, formerly Twitter.

“I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate. I have just signed a non-disclosure agreement with the attorney of the whistleblower. The affidavit states how the Harris campaign was given sample questions which were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate and separate assurances of fact checking Donald Trump and that she would NOT be fact checked,” wrote Penn.

“Accordingly, the affidavit states several other factors that were built into the debate to give Kamala a significant advantage. I have seen and read the affidavit and after the attorney blacks out the name of the whistleblower and other information that could dox the whistleblower, I will release the full affidavit. I will be releasing the affidavit before the weekend is out.”

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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 7:47 AM
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good morning, some trumpers are several levels above the average trump supporter. YOU, understand that two things can be true. Trump gets an F in that debate AND the moderators get an F as well. After she answered her first question trump should have said, didn't you just ask her a question? Did she answer YOUR question? THEN< in response to his first question he should have responded, Bernie Sanders says she is a far left progressive, running as a moderate, to win the election, I< believe Sanders. Harris is now claiming that team Biden was totally incompetent, and once she replaces him, with her people, SHE< will fix everything team Biden- Harris has destroyed the past four years. THEY, refinanced Iran, the country financing terror around the world, THEY opened the border, many of THEM, said that when Israelis are slaughtered, it must be " kept in context", etc. Trump knew they were going to fact check EVERYTHING he said, why say so much dumb shit? Did EVERYONE want Roe over overturned? Can he prove the dogs and cats' story? WHY say dumb shit?? Republicans made their bed now they have to sleep in it. Haley- Youngkin would have won in a landslide, too late now. Penn and friends are supposed to disclose TODAY what evidence they have that the debate was, rigged, let's see IF and WHAT they have? What a country!!
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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 8:08 AM
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Interviewed on Fox News on Thursday, Penn said, “They called Trump out on every falsehood but let Harris get away with one lie after another (and) when the refs put their fingers on the scale, you gotta throw out the score of the game.”

Oh dear! They called Trump out on every falsehood? Penn must be delusional. There were dozens of Trump lies that were not called out. ABC only called out a few of the most egregious lies, like murdering babies.

Hell, even the country of Germany is calling out Trump’s lies.

Oh, and by the way, my 11 year old grandson correctly predicted every question that was asked during the debate. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Trump looked like he was fighting to stay awake (no sleep isn’t helping the dementia) and was sweating like a pig (morbid obesity will do that).

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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 8:29 AM
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hclasvegas: Interviewed on Fox News on Thursday, Penn said, “They called Trump out on every falsehood but let Harris get away with one lie after another...

Penn, on Fox "News" of course, doesn't seem to know the different between statements that are misleading or need a little context and bald-faced lies. And the moderators clearly did not call out every Trump lie.

For example, Harris said: "Economists have said that Trump sales tax would actually result — for middle class families — in about $4,000 more a year because of his policies and his ideas about what should be — [on] the backs of middle class people paying for tax cuts for billionaires." An analysis from the Center for American Progress Action wrote that his tariffs will cost Americans $3,900 annually while the Tax Policy Center estimates $1,800.

In short, hardly "a lie".

But Trump claiming that "millions and millions of people" are "pouring into our country monthly" is a bald-faced lie. CBP has never recorded "millions" of migrant encounters in a month. The highest monthly migrant encounter tally was recorded in December 2023, when CBP processed over 300,000 migrants.

Trump was not live fact-checked on that lie by the moderators. Nor was he live fact-checked when he claimed "they [the Biden-Harris administration] had the highest inflation, perhaps in the history of our country because I've never seen a worse period of time. Inflation was 14% in the 1970s.

Trump lied repeatedly — by some fact-checkers counts about a lie a minute — so the vast majority of his lies went unchallenged. But when you start claiming babies are aborted after they're born or Haitians are eating the pets in Springfield, you get live fact-checked.

But sure, cry some more MAGA tears for us, hclasvegas.

hclasvegas: ...moderator Linsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris...

This little piece of stupidity has been addressed here. Harris graduated from Howard, a private university in Washington, D.C., in 1986. Davis was a 1999 graduate from Virginia's UVA. Alpha Kappa Alpha has over 360,000 members in 50 states. How is that even remotely relevant?

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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 9:18 AM
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hclasvegas: Interviewed on Fox News on Thursday, Penn said, “They called Trump out on every falsehood but let Harris get away with one lie after another...

LOL Faux News? OK then we know its bull$hit.

Hey Harvey,
Your dear leader clearly and undeniably got spanked and you've been whining about it for days, claiming that it only happened because everything was rigged against him...
Time to find a good deprogrammer, Bud, because you’re definitely in a cult.

Karl Rove: "Trump was crushed by a woman he previously dismissed as 'dumb as a rock.' Which raises the question: What does that make him?

Michael Steele, the former chair of the RNC, "She spanked that ass! Trump appeared small, withered, and beaten."

Chris Christie, former New Jersey Governor and Trump's 2016 debate advisor,
"Kamala performed exquisitely well, and he chased every rabbit down every hole talking about things that he shouldn't have been talking about.
Whoever prepared Donald Trump should be fired."

Brit Hume, Faux News analyst, asserted immediately after the debate, "Let's make no mistake. He had a bad night."

Erick Erickson, conservative radio host, "Trump lost the debate and whining about the moderators doesn't change it.
He didn't lose because of their behavior. He lost because of his performance while his lips were moving."

Only 16% of Republicans rated Trump's performance as excellent. At the same time, more than one in five, Republicans called Harris' performance excellent or good.

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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 9:22 AM
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good morning common conman,

" hclasvegas: ...moderator Linsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris..."

show us where I ever said that, and I'll pay your medical co pays for the rest of the year. Stick to what you know with CERTAINTY, Biden will be the Dem nominee. Have a grand day. bye bye.
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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 9:54 AM
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hclasvegas: show us where I ever said that, and I'll pay your medical co pays for the rest of the year. Stick to what you know with CERTAINTY, Biden will be the Dem nominee. Have a grand day. bye bye.

Jeez, it's right there in your OP:

“Following the debate, it’s been revealed that moderator Linsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris, and that ABC senior executive Dana Walden has been a close friend of Kamala Harris for 30 years,” reports WND.

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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 10:17 AM
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After the ABC News moderators of the Trump/Harris debate interrupted and fact-checked Trump five times, while not fact-checking Harris once,

Trump got fact checked five times because he NEEDED to be fact checked five times. He was telling such stupidly obvious lies that the moderators couldn’t in good conscience let him get away with the whopping lies.

Why can’t Trump supporters understand this? It’s such a simple concept. And it’s a concept that’s all over real life.

If you drive a couple of MPH over the speed limit, you’re not going to get a ticket. If you drive 20 over, you will. Both are speeding, but it’s a different scale. It’s different because of how egregious it is.

If you underreport your income on your tax return by a couple hundred dollars, you probably won’t get audited. At worst, you might get asked to pay tax on the missed income. But if you underreport by a couple hundred thousand dollars, you’ll get audited, pay some significant penalties, and have other returns looked at as well.

Penn is just a whiney little jerk creating drama where there isn’t any. He is lying to you just as badly as Trump is lying to you.

Grow up and deal with it.

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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 10:30 AM
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Interviewed on Fox News on Thursday, Penn said, “They called Trump out on every falsehood but let Harris get away with one lie after another (and) when the refs put their fingers on the scale, you gotta throw out the score of the game.”

And FOX 'new's lies their ass off about everything.

Anyone who watched the debate knows that Penn is full of shit.
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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 10:43 AM
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After the ABC News moderators of the Trump/Harris debate interrupted and fact-checked Trump five times, while not fact-checking Harris once,

The moderators didn’t fact check the candidates, they fact checked THE FACTS.

One candidate obviously felt that facts don’t matter. The other (mostly) did.

It’s a pretty simple concept. Don’t want to be fact checked? Don’t go around lying your ass off.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 1:41 PM
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It’s a pretty simple concept. Don’t want to be fact checked? Don’t go around lying your ass off.

Lulzies. You people would melt if reporters actually did their jobs and slammed democrats for the repeated BS they spew. ‘Very fine people’, anyone? ‘No US soldiers deployed in combat zones’, gang?

Penn - a Clinton guy - is spot on.

The only way you people win is by having someone’s thumb on the scale on your behalf. You can’t do it on your own.
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 2:58 PM
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Dope:The only way you people win is by having someone’s thumb on the scale on your behalf

The electoral college is a thumb on the scale on your behalf and you still suppress voting, etc., and now it seems want to hamper certification of the vote.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 3:08 PM
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The electoral college is a thumb on the scale on your behalf and you still suppress voting, etc., and now it seems want to hamper certification of the vote.

It’s the left that promotes voting from people who aren’t eligible to vote and refuses any effort to secure elections.

Your statement about election certs is laughable. Go look up what the democrats always do when Republicans win.
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 4:27 PM
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It’s the left that promotes voting from people who aren’t eligible to vote and refuses any effort to secure elections.

I'm was surprised at what they could catch during elections, and most of it seems to be caught before anyone votes.

Here's a Heritage Foundation database on voter fraud:

The first Ineligible Voting case in the database is Brian Prichard:

Brian Pritchard

Brian Pritchard, a First Vice Chair of the Republican state party, was sanctioned by the Georgia State Board of Elections for voting at least 9 times while ineligible from 2008 to 2010. Pritchard was convicted of felony check forgery in Pennsylvania in 1996 and was placed on probation for three years, which was extended for various reasons until 2011. In 2008, Pritchard registered to vote in Georgia, despite still being on probation for the felony charges. He voted a total of nine times in primary, general and runoff elections between 2008 and 2010. An administrative law judge found Pritchard had violated Georgia law by voting as a convicted felon who had not finished serving his sentence. The State Election Board approved the judge’s findings and imposed $5,000 in civil penalties (a $500 penalty and $500 for each voting offense), $375.14 in investigative costs, and a public reprimand. He was subsequently removed from his position in the Republican party.

I did manage to find one instance you'd be interested in:

Mario Obdulio Orellana

Mario Obdulio Orellana, a 57-year-old Salvadoran national, was indicted in June 2018 by the Department of Justice on federal immigration and voter fraud violations. An investigation by the U.S. Attorney's office in the Eastern District of Texas revealed that Orellana illegally entered the United States in the 1980s, falsified documents to obtain a U.S. birth certificate and social security number, and then used these documents to apply for a U.S. passport and register to vote. His five-count indictment included voter fraud charges related to his voting in the November 2016 election. As part of a plea agreement, Orellana pleaded guilty to making false statements in a U.S. passport application in exchange for the other charges being dropped. He faces up to 10 years in federal prison.

But most of the ineligible voting is due to voting while still on a felony sentence.

No vast numbers promoted by the left and it's Heritage Foundation.
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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 4:37 PM
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Penn - a Clinton guy - is spot on.

Penn is not “a Clinton guy”. He’s a hired gun, works for anyone who will pay. He has had both Republican and Democratic clients. The last few years searching for relevance as the parade has passed him by. Fox News still has him on, since idiots will think “he’s a Clinton guy” and take his word for it when he criticizes Democrats.
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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 4:40 PM
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Go look up what the democrats always do when Republicans win.

Can’t say I remember a single riot or parade of people running through the Halls of Congress smearing feces on walls and climbing over police barricades, but then I only read the paper in the morning, so maybe it happened one afternoon when I wasn’t paying attention?
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 4:51 PM
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It’s the left that promotes voting from people who aren’t eligible to vote and refuses any effort to secure elections.

I'm was surprised at what they could catch during elections, and most of it seems to be caught before anyone votes.

Here's a Heritage Foundation database on voter fraud:

The first Ineligible Voting case in the database is Brian Prichard:

Brian Pritchard

Brian Pritchard, a First Vice Chair of the Republican state party, was sanctioned by the Georgia State Board of Elections for voting at least 9 times while ineligible from 2008 to 2010. Pritchard was convicted of felony check forgery in Pennsylvania in 1996 and was placed on probation for three years, which was extended for various reasons until 2011. In 2008, Pritchard registered to vote in Georgia, despite still being on probation for the felony charges. He voted a total of nine times in primary, general and runoff elections between 2008 and 2010. An administrative law judge found Pritchard had violated Georgia law by voting as a convicted felon who had not finished serving his sentence. The State Election Board approved the judge’s findings and imposed $5,000 in civil penalties (a $500 penalty and $500 for each voting offense), $375.14 in investigative costs, and a public reprimand. He was subsequently removed from his position in the Republican party.

I did manage to find one instance you'd be interested in:

Mario Obdulio Orellana

Mario Obdulio Orellana, a 57-year-old Salvadoran national, was indicted in June 2018 by the Department of Justice on federal immigration and voter fraud violations. An investigation by the U.S. Attorney's office in the Eastern District of Texas revealed that Orellana illegally entered the United States in the 1980s, falsified documents to obtain a U.S. birth certificate and social security number, and then used these documents to apply for a U.S. passport and register to vote. His five-count indictment included voter fraud charges related to his voting in the November 2016 election. As part of a plea agreement, Orellana pleaded guilty to making false statements in a U.S. passport application in exchange for the other charges being dropped. He faces up to 10 years in federal prison.

But most of the ineligible voting is due to voting while still on a felony sentence.

No vast numbers promoted by the left and it's Heritage Foundation.
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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 7:04 PM
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“Following the debate, it’s been revealed that moderator Linsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris, and that ABC senior executive Dana Walden has been a close friend of Kamala Harris for 30 years,” reports WND.


That's from the article I shared, I, didn't say it, it's in the article. SMH ??
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Author: Umm 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 7:35 PM
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"It’s the left that promotes voting from people who aren’t eligible to vote and refuses any effort to secure elections." - Dope

This is a blatant lie. You were never good at refuting your opponent's actual positions. You are weak so you are only capable of refuting strawmen lies that you create.

The actual position of the democratic party is they want secure elections with only having eligible voters voting. They just recognize that current elections are very secure and there isn't any meaningful fraud in elections despite lots and lots of people looking, so they don't want unnecessary roadblocks put up to suppress eligible voters from voting.

Stop listening to Fox News to tell you what Democrats want. They are making you look like an idiot by filling your head with strawmen.

"Your statement about election certs is laughable. Go look up what the democrats always do when Republicans win." - Dope

More Dope stupidity. When is the last time Democrats did not engage in a peaceful transfer of power or try to override the certification of the election when a Republican won?
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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/16/2024 10:56 AM
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Lulzies. You people would melt if....

The king of projection projects poorly. The again, the projection only worked on the big fat liar's radio program because his dittoheads didn't hear an immediate debunking call from a person unfairly armed with facts.
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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/16/2024 11:09 AM
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Penn is not “a Clinton guy”. He’s a hired gun, works for anyone who will pay

According to Fox, the latest wannabe assassin supported Trump in 2016, so he's a Trump guy who feels betrayed by Trump's intimate relationship with Putin. All Trump has to do is change course on Putin and Routh will be pardonable by Trump and qualified for a position in Trump's cabinet.

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