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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 2nd attempt on Trump’s life
Date: 09/16/2024 5:47 PM
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The perimeter sweeping was...lacking...shall we say.

Finally. Something I can solidly call bullshit on.

When Trump is out golfing, it takes way too many agents to secure the entire course at once. Instead, they maintain a smaller security bubble around him. That means they're constantly sweeping a new perimeter as he moves around the course. I'll also point out that potential shooter was outside of the fence around the golf course. He was set up to shoot through the chain link fence surrounding the course.

It was one of these perimeter sweeps that caught the nutjob with a rifle.

The sweep wasn't lacking. The agents doing the sweep did their job very well.

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