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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Washington’s Nightmare
Date: 10/10/2024 6:45 AM
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Does "acknowledging both" mean tearing down statues?

How is it truly trying to be balanced *if* one one hand, whole signs and statues and names are erased on one end - and to balance it - kids get to read about the guys in history class when they'd rather be home playing with their I-pad anyways.

Education about history is decidedly more negative than positive.

If the Left feels that is ok - fine - entitled to opinion but THEN, take no offense when I say - screw Washington and his sissy Mary Delaware crossing and stop using him as any sort of standard now.

Now, if someone says ' put the damn signs, names, and statues back up - honor them, make sure Americans are proud of them and understand them, WHILE ALSO knowing that they did things like owning slaves - well, you'd have an ally in this writer.

I've never ever wanted to censor away things like slavery.

BUT the Woke Left *has* and *does* want to keep statues and signs torn down and out of mind.

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