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Author: very stable genius   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Fighting Antisemitism w/ Antisemitism
Date: 05/03/2024 10:30 AM
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<The home of antisemitism in the world is today’s left. It’s even remotely debatable.>

Well who should I believe? A poster called dope who posts misinformation daily or Life-long Republican Bruce Bartlett,
who is a well respected educator, writer and was an advisor to Ronald Reagan?
Mr. Bartlett says, "The Republican Party Has Become the Party of Hate."

"The Republican Party today is basically a coalition of grievances united by one thing: hatred.
Hatred of immigrants, hatred of minorities, hatred of intellectuals, hatred of gays, feminists
and many other groups too numerous to mention. What binds them together is hatred of Democrats
because they are welcoming to every group that Republicans reject." Bruce Bartlett, an economic historian, adviser to President Ronald Reagan.


PS The KKK fully endorsed Donald Trump...
Why would they do that? Hmmm...
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