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Author: ajm101 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Re: OT, out
Date: 03/17/2025 3:41 PM
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>I hope when we look at the forest and beyond the current trees that this too may pass and American dynamism, as WEB has discussed So many times over the years, will continue to prevail in fits and starts and with All types of political parties in office.

There is nothing magical about this. American dynamism, or whatever it is, is not some magical property in the soil. It is a function of the American peoples' respect for each other, respect for the law, respect for democratic principals, the classical liberal traditions that the founders of the country articulated in the Federalist Papers, the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.

Current events are not normal and they aren't even close. There are more things than you can count on the fingers of one hand that have never happened before in the history of the country in the last seven days. Things are exceptional right up until the point they are not. I am perfectly happy to start a flame war: this is 100% Republican dominated government at the moment. This reflects the actions of exactly one political party. It is a disgrace. Anyone that is passingly interested in history knows they are using the Nazi rise to power as a blueprint for the last two months. Just consider threatening Canada with invasion - out of the many daily outrages. It is not funny, or trolling, or anywhere near appropriate. The fact that so many people in power find it remotely acceptable means something important has died in the American spirit. In the way that a stroke victim can recover lost brain functionality, we may yet recover, but we have to deal the present emergency first.

America's exceptionalism sometimes seems to be squarely concentrated in exceptional arrogance. We are not exception and our success is the result of generational cooperation, hard work, and sacrifice. It can be lost to history in the blink of an eye. Berkshire is not going to save you or the wealth you've accumulated from a life's work we lose this.

Contact your congressional representatives if you agree rather than reply.
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