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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Date: 09/12/2024 2:58 PM
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What actions do you think they took that could support a firing for cause under the Civil Service Act?

Don't know, and don't care. I could "reorganize" their departments and eliminate their jobs.
What they did directly interfered with an election (a partisan act and implicit violation of the Hatch Act) and abused the trust the public puts in people in these positions.

It's very simple. If you can't trust them to report honestly on what they know, you can't trust them, period. That means they're liabilities in the intel world.

They have no right to their security clearances and no right to draw lucrative consulting contracts either. They can flip burgers in retirement or greet people at Wal-Mart instead.
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