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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Guilty on all counts
Date: 05/30/2024 5:15 PM
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You just burned down the legal system.

Not even slightly. Trump committed crimes, and his station as former President and current nominee didn't shield him from being held accountable for those crimes. Rather than burning down the legal system, it has been vindicated.

It might be worth it to step back and maybe reconsider that the fact that the defense lost virtually every legal argument they made, and the fact that Trump was convicted, might - just might - mean that he actually did commit a crime and was validly convicted after being accorded due process before a jury of his peers. When you lose a trial (especially when you are well represented and have all the resources you need to mount a defense), it usually means that the prosecution actually did have a valid case against you. It's evidence that Trump did the thing, not evidence that the system has been "burned down."
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