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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Neuromancer   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Make her president now
Date: 11/04/2024 2:06 PM
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I saw this suggestion elsewhere, but it seemed interesting.

We all know that the ex-president will claim he won as soon as the polls close.
We will then have a couple of months of mischief making before the electoral college counting, followed by the inauguration a couple of weeks later.

If Joe Biden would simply resign (maybe plead a health issue or something) as soon as the polls close (so as not to interfere with the voting), Harris would become president and take the oath of office.

She would then be commander-in-chief and fully in charge - able to sign legislation, deploy troops and issue executive orders.

She would then have the authority to do whatever is necessary to put down any rioting or insurrection. Perhaps go so far as to suspend the electoral vote if some states get up to hanky-panky with their electors or certification.

That's assuming she wins.

If she doesn't win, she would still be the first woman president, and hopefully presides over a smooth transition of power, and we try and survive the next 4 years. If she fails to do that, we're doomed as a democracy, and it doesn't matter who's in charge.

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