No. of Recommendations: 22
"The US expanded NATO to Poland and other E European countries.
The US has surrounded China with Taiwan, S Korea, Japan.
Imagine Russia-Canada-Mexico into an alliance against US."
Wow. You gotta stop using Russian information sources that make you look like an idiot. Seriously. You information is only as good as the information sources you use. If you use poor ones, you will look foolish.
One, NATO is a self-defense pact. The only reason to fear it is if you fear your neighbors getting help defending themselves.
Two, the U.S. didn't expand NATO to Poland and the Baltics. Poland and the Baltics asked to enter NATO because they wanted to be in NATO. You may think that is a sematic difference but it isn't. It makes all of the difference in the world.
Three, why do you think Poland and the Baltics wanted to join NATO? Joining NATO isn't just all benefits, there are huge obligations involved in being in NATO. When the U.S. invaded and occupied Afghanistan for two decades, almost every NATO country had troops stationed in Afghanistan at one time or another due to 9/11 being an invocation of NATO's defense obligations to help other member countries. The obligation to send your citizens to die for the defense of another country is huge. It is what kept Finland neutral and out of NATO for the decades of the cold war. Yet Poland and the Baltics eagerly took on those obligations. Why do you think that is? It is because Poland and the Baltics were fearful of their own defense. They were afraid of Russia.
Four, to say Russia is not the aggressor is the height of stupid Russian misinformation. I know you choose to be ignorant of world events, but even someone like you has to know that Russia INVADED Ukraine. Russia is violating Ukrainian sovereignty. They are killing Ukrainian citizens. Russia made the choice to do that. That is the literal definition of being an aggressor. "Russia is creating a buffer zone" through violating the sovereignty of another country's citizens. It is like your neighbor razing your house with a bulldozer without your permission all because he wanted better sight-lines for his defense. if your daughter dies, it was for your neighbor's defense. He isn't the aggressor. It doesn't work like that. Sovereignty means something. Why does Russian safety from the west take higher priority that Ukrainian safety from Russian rule in your mind? That should be insane for anyone who values freedom and rule of law to even think.
Five, of course it is in the U.S. best interests to have Ukraine bleed Russia dry. Do you know why? Because Russia doesn't want to stop at Ukraine. It has eyes for much of the rest of eastern Europe. Those include countries that the U.S. have obligations to defend. I don't want to send U.S. troops to die because Putin has dream of an empire that includes sovereign countries that do not want to be part of that dream. If it means backing Ukraine to the tune of a hundred billion or so a year so that they can fight Russia to a standstill then that is a cheap price to pay so that we won't have to spend far more than that (plus U.S. citizens lives) fighting Russia down the line. What we are paying now for Ukraine is a cheap price compared to that. Especially considering the military industrial benefits we get from building the weapons we send to Ukraine. Obviously it is the U.S. best interests in finding a way to stop Putin from subjugating countries that do not want to be subjugated to Russia. That is a no duh.
Six, the amazing thing is that After the initial invasion. Ukraine actually fought Russia to a standstill. Neither side was winning. For Ukraine to this this was nothing short of amazing. It got to a point where Russia was taking an order of magnitude higher casualties than what Ukraine was and not taking any more ground. Unfortunately Ukraine ran low on basic ammunition so they had give ground up. Why did they run low on basic ammo? Because of misinformed morons in congress who spewed Russian propaganda. Hmm....
Seven, it is weird that you try to play the race card in this. It is a transparently desperate ploy that just makes you look like you already know you are losing due to your own ignorance. I think the answer is quite obvious why Ukraine and not some African country but if you really need it spelled out for you we can.
Please do better. Democracy requires a well informed populace. The more ignorance and lies that are spread, the more of a threat democracy comes under. You are failing duties as a citizen.