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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: TRUMPERS, Please Translate
Date: 01/23/2024 11:52 AM
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bighairyguy: Example, Biden ran on a reconciliation and unification message but governs <how shall we say it...?> differently.

No, wrong. Joe Biden made "saving democracy" the centerpiece of his campaign.

But shame on him for not unifying with the 69% of republican voters who still believe the BIG LIE, that president Biden was not legitimately elected, the same voters who are drooling at the chance to vote again for a hate-filled, Hitler-quoting, top secret documents stealing, insurrection inciting, fake electoral vote peddling, defaming and defrauding incoherent rapist.

Way to pick 'em.

We have to be content with a guy who beat COVID, got a bi-partisan infrastructure bill, brought inflation down to 3%, sent the stock markets to new all-time highs, added about 14 million new jobs, delivered 5%+ GDP growth, got the CHIPS Act, healthcare for veterans, and rebuilt NATO and alliances around the globe.

Tough call.

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