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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 401K'ERS gone wild
Date: 03/10/2025 2:16 PM
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Van Jones is one of the few democrats with a couple of brain cells to rub together. Fortunately nobody is listening to him:


"Look, man, we’re screwed," Jones said on "CNN Newsroom" Sunday. "I mean, Democrats don’t know what to do. This is a nightmare. You know, somebody like Donald Trump, we thought we’d at least have Hakeem Jeffries in the Speaker’s chair to hold him back if we didn‘t have Kamala in there to do the right thing."


And then:
"Listen, the Democratic Party is going through a massive set of internal crises. You have a party that got trapped two ways," he said. "One, defending a broken status quo that nobody likes because they thought that Donald Trump was going to make it worse. But when you’re defending the status quo, you’re going to lose."

"And then offending most people in the country, calling everybody sexist and racist and transphobic and every other name, and then saying, ‘please follow us.’ That’s not a good strategy, folks.

Defending a broken status quo and offending most of the country, turns out, is not as popular as my party thought it was going to be. And so it’s going to take a while for people to get it figured out," Jones added.

Hate doesn't sell as well as they think it does. So while PA libs here and democrats there can cheer about having guys like us hung in the town square, The Normies see this and instantly know which party is filled with Cuckoobananas type people. Hint: It ain't ours.
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