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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Dumb Tesla Endorsement
Date: 03/11/2025 7:38 PM
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Why would Tesla, a lemonade stand, or anyone else - - -in a polarized tribal country want a political endorsement that instantly turns off 50% of potential buyers.

I remember back when I had a nice business in Virginia - those were the early 2000's I was mister conservative, FOX, American Flags, etc. In my personal office were great pics of anything from Reagan, W, Washington's prayer at Valley Forge etc yet I had a great budding relationship with a local politician - Democrat. Just a dear man (John and Ernestine Jenkins - have since passed on). He'd come sit in my office and we'd rib each other a bit, but also talk about how 40% of it all was crap -- vis a vis partisan stuff. He came instrumental in certain zoning issues, etc. So nice he and his Wife took to to Governor Warner's house and it was so amazing for a political geek like me.

Anyhow Mr Jenkins brings me an autographed framed pic of him. He's a Dem - but now a good customer too so I'm about to put the picture up on the wall that everyone sees that had all our community involvement stuff on it. Mr Jenkins stops me and says "I thought you Republican business guys want money. Don't my picture out here----everyone isn't for me"----so he went in my office and he was glad I put him next to Washington versus Dubya lol.

Tesla's market was MAJORITY Liberal. Still is - although less so.

I can't imagine why Elon would want Trump's endorsement.

Mind you I'm out of it and retired a few years now - maybe the new generation of Conservative Bro-Types are now Tesla people ----but I still say that Club 401K mooch jagoffs with their $7500 upper income white people free car money is Elon's primary customer.

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