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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12434 
Subject: OT: IBKR
Date: 03/06/2025 1:58 PM
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IBKR provides no free real time quotes, while my Schwab account does. So when trading options at IBKR I also login to Schwab, constantly look at their options chain screen, switch to the IBKR order screen, back to Schwab options chains to get refreshed quotes etc.

I am doing this since 1 year but it´s a pain in the ass. So as much as I hate it I decided to pay for IBKR real time options quotes - but only for options, nothing else! That already hurts enough.

After a post on reddit left me with the impression that would cost $1.50/month with gnashed teeth I was willing to subscribe. But trying to do that is confusing and I hope you IBKR pros can tell my WHAT exactly to subscribe to:

A) I am at ´Configure market data´
B) Seems options real time data are only under ´Quote Bundles´, ´US Equity and Options Add-On Streaming Bundle (NP)´ for $4.50/month (and not $1.50; that hurts)
C) But the fine print there even says ´...the user must already be subscribed to US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle (NP)´ which is another $10/month

Do I understand this correct? That to get realtime US option chain quotes I´d have to subscribe to those two? Or do I miss a simple ´real time options quotes´ only thing for $1.50, hidden somewhere?

P.S.: Yes, I read that the $10 for C is waived when the commissions in a month reach $30. But I didn´t look at mine yet (have to pay them anyway, no way around that) and don´t want to unsubscribe if options are for a long time not interesting for me (if BRK´s valuation is in the ´normal´range), then to subscribe again etc. etc.)

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Author: sleepydragon   😊 😞
Number: of 12434 
Subject: Re: OT: IBKR
Date: 03/06/2025 4:45 PM
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I think u can use the snapshot quote which is 10 cents each time?
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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12434 
Subject: Re: OT: IBKR
Date: 03/06/2025 5:43 PM
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I saw that, but when buying/selling I follow the quotes often for hours before I decide to give an order.
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