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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: For the debate
Date: 09/09/2024 6:28 PM
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No, they're trying to imply that Vance threw up his hands and thinks there's nothing to do.

But he did.

He threw up his hands and said there's nothing that gun control laws can do. That the only choice was to harden the schools (which is not always feasible, and horrible in it's own right to do to children).

But that's false. Not only is it false, but it's something that Vance should know is false. We're the only advanced western country on earth that regularly has school shootings, and it's not because our school hardening choices are an outlier. It's because we're the only advanced western country that has the gun regulation regime and gun culture that we have. Every other nation has managed to avoid having these horrors be a "fact of life," a regular occurrence that can be expected (usually multiple times) every year.

He is resigned to a nation where the only choice is to harden schools - to turn childhood places into fortified facilities. That "there's nothing to do" other than accept that there's no way to prevent school shootings by using gun regulation. That only by turning every single school in America into a single-entry fortified defensive campus can we stop this from regularly happening....even though every other rich country on earth has managed to stop it from regularly happening without hardening their schools.

That's a terrible argument, and Vance deserves every bit of the heat he's getting for making it. He's not being taken out of context - in context, with the full quote and everything before and after it, his argument is a bad argument.
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