No. of Recommendations: 10
...but there's no public record of him ever having been to Gaza. The Times of Israel has reported that Trump had never even visited Israel before his presidency. He certainly never was there was president.
And although he was lying, his campaign insisted the claim is true. Trump’s campaign said Monday night that he meant what he said about having been to Gaza in particular – and the campaign insisted the claim is true.
We asked three former Trump officials who worked on Middle East policy whether they know of any proof for the former president’s claim, and the campaign’s claim to CNN, that Trump has been to Gaza itself. The only one who has responded, Trump-appointed former Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker, said in an email: “As far as I know, he’s never traveled there. He did not go in 2017 when he visited Israel. I think this story is probably already over.”As is routine with DonOLD Trump he told a lie, his staff doubled-down on the lie, a couple of people in the media showed mild interest in yet another "Trump Lied" story and tried to find the truth, and within 24-hours it was gone like a fart in the wind.