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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: LongTermBRK 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: Attractiveness of Price
Date: 06/15/2024 8:25 AM
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Buffett has repeatedly said it IS exactly a 1500/1 economic ratio with the ONLY difference being additional voting rights for the A shares. That is ALL. This is not debatable any more than a dollar is worth 4 quarters.

Investors have typically added 1-2% for that benefit. ECONOMICALLY it is EXACTLY a 1,500 to 1 ratio, Buffett said this explicitly when he issued the shares. It remains that way. It is not debatable.

And I’m not sure average overall prices paid on 1 share type versus highest known price paid for another share type is significant or even meaningful. And possibly confusing. Simply…

Buffett has paid more than this price for a lot of stock.

Buffett paid $4 more for each share than the published price.

The extent to which Buffett is clearly buying much more heavily at lower prices, well below $400, IS meaningful. Yes, there are better potential deals than “good” :)

But Warren buying shares at “all-in” prices of roughly $410 with his declared necessary margin of safety..is useful information IMO certainly to potential sellers. Those of us who always have an eye towards non urgent modest rebalancing/selling should take note.

Hold on to your lousy B shares…and your Quarters too :) and embrace the fact YOU will always get a better price than Warren Buffett on every share of Berkshire you buy.
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