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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 401K'ERS gone wild
Date: 03/10/2025 3:19 PM
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nly a buck? Well, I guess that depends on whether you're talking the S&P or penny stocks.

49 here, retired 4 years ago. The only reason I'd take risk is to buy nicer clothes or to take extra vacations. But - been there done that.

Now, all I want is nice hot diner meals, a nice trip a year (down from 2- grrrr), colleges for kids plus start-up comfort money for kids. So bottom line - if I earn an average of 5% nominal between now and croaking day ----I'd be ok. NOT what I SHOULD have been - but, hey, can't win em all.

BUT......bottom line I am in two stocks since retiring.

5% of total net worth was in BRK.B - that company isn't run by tattoo'd sideways hate Peloton asswipes. Old School business.

I put 5% of net worth in pure speculation: RYCEY Rolls Royce - -I think cost basis is $1.89. I mentioned it way back when on TMF or here. Sold 50% of it@ 9.72 recently. Figured I'll stick around a bit longer with the rest.

So when I complain about being down 10 cents or a buck or whatever it's RYCEY I was referring to.

Otherwise, I'm misty thinking of my 5% MMF's. But boring stuff like that --- plus the rents on Millennial Mayberry townhomes do the rest.

ANd Daddy gets the short rib special at the diner a couple times a week:)

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