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Author: knighttof3   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: VP Harris.. Hypocrite
Date: 08/13/2024 3:44 AM
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And the reason why Dear husband and I always tip with cash, giving the money to our server to pocket the money right away.

I 100% support Trump's idea to exempt tips from taxes. Democrats are blood sucking leaches for OPM (other people's money).

But... I don't endorse breaking the law. I do always tip in cash because I want the tip to be shared among local employees, not the distant corporate entity.

At a local winery the server winked at us and said she appreciated not having to pay taxes on (a generous) cash tip. I don't think that's right. Agree it's every person's right to minimize taxes, but not evade them. Change the law, not break it.
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