No. of Recommendations: 7
So why is your side bringing up baby sitting prowess as a criteria?
The argument is:
You wouldn’t want anyone to be president, who at a bare minimum, wouldn’t qualify as a babysitter.
If they can’t clear that minor hurdle, they have no real clue how to clear the more major hurdles that we expect a president to clear.
-responsibility for others
-showing empathy for others
- stoping fights instead of watching television,
Not lying about what the kids did while the adults were away.
Following the rules established by the parents
Case in point: when I was 13, I babysat for a kid whose parents were on my paper route. According to the rules of the parents, the boy could watch tv til 9 pm, and then had to go to bed. He could even have a bowl of popcorn while watching television.
So there we sat in the livingroom watching television. Early in the evening, I fixed a bowl of popcorn, and the kid sat on the couch, eating popcorn.
Several minutes before his bedtime, this seven year old boy suddenly looked up from his popcorn, said his tummy hurt and promptly puked all over the expensive leather couch upon which he sat.
I felt his head- no fever. But that was about the extent of my medical expertise at the time. There were no cell phones, so calling the parents was out of the question, but it didn’t seem to be a problem other than too much popcorn, so I got the kid to bed. He felt fine by then. Then I threw his clothes in the wash and spent the next two hours cleaning up a large volume of vomit from that expensive couch and the carpet.
I told the parents what had happened. They smiled and paid me a buck more than the 5 dollars we’d agreed on…..
And there is nothing special about that story. Nothing. Somewhere, everyday, a babysitter is dealing with some sort of emergency, and I really do wonder how Donald Trump would have dealt with the same situation.
It’s not a big deal. In fact it’s an ordinary situation, the sort that is negotiated successfully by millions of people every week. You see an unfortunate mess and you clean it up, even if you’re not the guy who made the mess
How would Donald Trump have handled that siuation.
At a bare minimum, we expect people we hire as babysitters to show some bare level of maturity, common sense, and trustworthiness.
Donald J. Trump seems uniquely qualified to fail on all three counts.
If he can’t be trusted on the little things, why hand him the presidency?