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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41485 
Subject: First Lake Lure, NC, Now Carter County, TN
Date: 10/17/2024 9:53 AM
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Another story has been covered in multiple outlets of local residents carrying weapons showing up to threaten relief workers, under the guise of fending off unwanted FEMA "interference" masking as "assistance."


Tracy Elder is president and founder of the International Alliance of Community Chaplains. Her group has been working in disaster relief for more than 20 years.

They are in Carter County at the request of the Elk Mills Volunteer Fire Department to help run the command center there, providing supplies and resources for those in need. But Elder told 6 News’ sister station WJHL that she found herself between FEMA workers and a group of armed citizens criticizing the work of the government agency on Saturday.

"They were armed — they were all open-carry — they had surrounded [the FEMA workers] and there was a lady that was yelling at them and threatening them," Elder said.

She explained that she listened to the group’s grievances about FEMA but explained to them that her organization was not associated with the federal agency. Elder said she felt the group was frustrated and she was able to hear them out, but was firm that their behavior wasn’t appropriate.

"People just need to be heard, and then some of that does take a skill that doesn’t take a confrontation,” Elder said. “I said, ‘Hey I hear you. You can say there’s no volunteers but I’m standing right in front of you honey and I’m here and we’re helping.'"

Elder said once the group realized that FEMA wasn’t taking those donations and that the command center was run by volunteers, they left and surprisingly returned later with supplies to donate.

People may need to be heard but not after arriving with weapons to physically threaten those arriving to help.

This isn't a left-wing meme. This is mental illness on a wholesale scale.

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