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Author: rnam   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: BYD Apple Partnership
Date: 12/07/2024 3:09 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 19
Apple has increasingly shifted to a BYD partnership across China, Vietnam, and India. BYD currently has roughly 100,000 employees and 10,000 engineers dedicated to the Apple supply chain — roughly 1/9th of their total employees and 1/12th of their engineers. This isn’t just assembly, but also developing much of the technology within Apple devices and producing a large share of the components. If you own a recent Apple device, much of it is likely from BYD.

BYD also partnered with Apple to develop its cancelled EV. And BYD is partnering to develop Apple’s anticipated next-generation smart home products, as the exclusive manufacturer of the HomePod. Those smart home systems offer the potential to significantly reduce residential energy consumption.

But maybe you don’t like Apple? BYD is also a major supplier of Samsung (who briefly owned part of the company). They also produce phones for Huawei and have an ADAS partnership. BYD also makes Xiaomi phones and supplies technology in the SU7. They also partner with Oppo on devices and vehicle integration. And they are partnering with NVIDIA to develop Ai-enabled industrial robots….

When people realize that China now educates as many degreed engineers in a little over a year as the entire US engineering workforce, many get scared. BYD’s R&D engineering workforce alone is easily more than all US-based automakers combined. A multitude of skilled technicians and other professionals also contribute to the effort. All with a focus on the disruptive clean technology that also scares many people.


US auto industry seems destined to go the way of the US steel industry. They will need those tariffs to survive.
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