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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: The Palestinian Protestor
Date: 03/13/2025 5:07 PM
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He's on a visa. His green card is as a result of that visa.
Which means...he's a guest. A particularly annoying one that likes to fart on the couch, use his fingers to eat all the pudding and drinks the last beer. We're well within our rights to send him packing.

No, he's not a guest, and he's not on a visa. Being a lawful permanent resident is different than merely having a visa, which is why he gets to go in front of an immigration judge before being deported. The government will have to prove that he's doing more than just farting on the couch - it's not discretionary to revoke a green card.

He's a lawful resident, and is thus entitled to a lot of protections under the Constitution. Whether this runs afoul of those protections is a complicated question, one that I don't know the answer to. But I do know that revoking a green card requires more than the government just deciding that they would prefer he not be here.
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