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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: FDIC
Date: 02/27/2025 2:42 PM
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Just tossing my random (and potentially questionable - so question them!) thoughts.

So the FDIC functions to protect depositors if a bank fails. And we basically have two tranches of banks in the US - Too Big to Fail, and all the rest.

How do the TBTF banks function? By charging a lot of fees and interest - then raking those profits to the C suite. How do they make more money? Getting more depositors and borrowers to charge more fees and interest. How do they get more depositors and borrowers? Scooping up smaller banks. Whose C-suites are most in tune with the current administration? The TBTF banks.

So - odd as it seems - the TBTF banks might be the safer place with no FDIC.

Am I crazy here??


PS - Or just go with a Credit Union. They're not part of the FDIC, they are regulated by the NCUA. Basically the same function, but a different agency - and one that might be under the radar of the morons in the current administration.
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