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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/26/2024 1:13 PM
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Would the military have followed Trump? Absolutely not.

No way to know. At that point, the Secretary of Defense is Christopher Miller (Trump having fired Esper for his intransigence on a number of issues), who might have gone along. Mark Milley is Chair of the JCOS, who was no fan of Trump's efforts to stay in power....but if SCOTUS agrees that Biden isn't President yet (because the election hasn't been certified because there's no one there to certify it), who knows who Milley decides is President?

But regardless, the mere fact that we reach the point where the President is who the military says it is - rather than who actually won the election - means that the democratic process has failed.
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