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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 51st State
Date: 03/11/2025 6:36 PM
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Tecmo, as a sane American I would like to apologize to all Canadians for what is happening. I'm still aghast at the turn of events.

Unless you voted for the Felon (which I'm sure you didn't), you have nothing to apologize for. This isn't your mess, it's the Trumpie/fascist's mess.

But I am genuinely ashamed of my country at his point. We've betrayed everything we have stood for since leading the world out of darkness 80 years ago**, as well as our partners in that venture.

So tariff away on the USA. We, as a nation, deserve it. And don't invite us to the G7. Go G6 for a while. That'll enrage the Felon.

**Not to lessen the contributions of the many nations in that fight, but it was the USA that tipped the scales in freedom's favor back then. Without us, "Man in the High Castle" might not be fiction.
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