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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Where the 51st state thing came from
Date: 02/21/2025 10:39 AM
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[Rubio] even gave a little inside information on how the whole "Canada as the 51st state" idea came to be. Justin Trudeau told Trump during a meeting that if our trade relationship was balanced, Canada would not exist. "Well, if you can't exist without cheating and trade, then you should become a state," was Trump's response. Fair point.

Justin does make a fair point as there is always an imbalance, but we need Canada's oil - and cheaper by the way, not more expensive. Now Canadians refer to us as the 11th province. Having oil is not cheating or Texas has been cheating all this time. Trump loves the Saudi and Russian cheaters. We've had tariffs as protection. We put tariffs on sugar cane to protect farmers that were growing corn for corn syrup. it takes a bit of tariffs to trigger off the economic chaos, but we're doing several things known to have some bad effects simultaneously. Crossing my fingers.
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