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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Fearless Prediction
Date: 09/30/2024 3:44 PM
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Click past - this is not about the latest "TRUMP! "KAMALA!" gotcha or latest media/blog thing.

The Cheney-Halliburton-Big Oil-George W -Goldman Sachs Liberals love to lament about "what's happened to the Republican Party". However, think back. George W Bush - they trashed the hell out of him, blamed him for every little thing that had zilch to do with the presidency. "Buck stops here" they used to say on TMF. Mitt Romney - they crucified the 47% man - when he didn't say he wants to kill them or he doesn't care for them - he just said he's not counting on their votes. Of course when Mitt criticizes Trump, the Liberals use him.

McCain - they used him from start to finish. However in between when he was the nominee they attacked him nastily.

President Reagan - same thing.

So when the Goldman Sachs 401K'er Liberals shout "oh the Republican Party" this and that - they are fakes. They ONLY like Republicans when they can use them - like they do with the Cheney clan right now.

Fearless prediction: If Harris wins. In 2028 The GOP nominee won't be Trump. And the Left will be has personal and as nasty and as angry about that person as they are now.

Republicans are mad too but they shouldn't be. The poodle *selected* by Pelosi and Obama and Goldman Sachs - is doing her level best to be TRUMP and GEORGE W BUSH on a myriad of big issues. Hey, sometimes you can't win - but you can be more in control than the Left. This is one of those times.

Enjoy it.
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